This was taken a few days after he was born.... 1982, in Ayer Molek..
Two years went by and he's a little handsome and adorable chap...
I can still remember when he went to kindergarten and lower primary, he always wanted to be carried on my eldest sister's back from our shophouse to his school.. That's about 1km! Back then, it was adorable still..
When he went to secondary school in Malacca High School, he stayed in the hostel.. But being the only boy, the only torn among the roses, the apple of the eye, he can't live in a place where he have to go by the rules and do all the daily chores himself. One fine day, he 'ran away' from the hostel, carried all his stuffs back to our shophouse by the Melaka River (now is the River Cruise's route). All of us laughed to know that instead of being angry! And once he walked all the way from school to our house in Peringgit. Why? He waited for daddy to fetch him but instead of waiting, he started to walk ... The 'no waiting' attitude he had during his younger days...
And today, he's a grown man still waiting for an answer from someone (^~^)...
What is he doing at this age??He's not an engineer. He's not an accountant. He's not a doctor..He's managing the Melaka International Motorsport Circuit. I'm proud of what he's doing and also what he have done in the past..
And I am proud of what he achieved in life (it's not like he's some VVIP but he did some great things for the local youth )...
Every year he would get a cake on his birthday...This year? He's getting a Laksa Party!! But above all, I think it'll be his greatest birthday present if he gets a 'YES' from 'someone'... kan..kan..kan.. ;P
To my beloved little big brother and the only Pak Busu in RZ's little league team...
From.... Kolyn, Abang Yunus, Firdaus, Faeiqah, Batrisyia & Addeen dong datang lagiiiii......
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